Trademarks and Protection


Watch the following video which explain how trademarks are registered. Use this chart to listen out for key points made in the interview.


Watch the following video which explain how trademarks offer protection. Use this chart to listen out for key points made in the interview.


  • Choose three statements from the interviews that you think are the strongest reasons for respecting trademarks.
  • Using these reasons as a starting point, create a range of content to post on social media sites, including a blog aimed at young people of your age to raise awareness about the importance of respecting trademark law. This content should include:
    • a bespoke hashtag;
    • punchy information about why it’s important to respect trademarks;
    • the dangers of purchasing counterfeit goods and services;
    • quotes from people whose businesses have suffered from counterfeiting;
    • links to online sources where people can find out more about the dangers of counterfeits.
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